Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What can I say, I'm thankful

For years on Facebook there would be this post going around having people state what they are thankful for. One item a day. I didn't see that this year, and well, Facebook doesn't control me so I'm going to do it on my own. Nana nana boo boo.

As we all know, being thankful should happen more than one day a year. That said, here is a list of both serious, and not-so-serious-but-still-awesome, things I'm thankful for.

  1. Good people - family, friends, strangers
  2. Bacon
  3. Fresh water - to drink and bathe in
  4. The gym (I have a feeling I'm going to be ouch-ing tomorrow... I'm still wiggly from my chest sets today)
  5. So many different genres of music to suit my mood
  6. Farm-to-table restaurants (including, but not limited to) Moxy and Pigtail
  7. Humbling moments to remind us we are humans when we often feel that we are gods
  8. Events in our lives that make us remember that we are loved when we feel unlovable
  9. Imagination and creativity
  10. Stories to share at bedtime with my son
  11. Cars - even though mine is on its way out
  12. Garages to park my car in when it snows
  13. The anticipation of picking out a Christmas tree to adorn our small apartment with
  14. Grocery store
  15. Opportunity to make a difference
  16. Faith
  17. Hope
  18. The ability to learn
  19. The ability to teach
  20. Sadness to make you appreciate joy that much more
  21. Technology that has improved everyday life
  22. Sunsets
  23. Bonfires and beverages
  24. S'mores with all the fixin's (Reese's PB Cups, Hershey's milk and dark is a great start)
  25. Nonsensical laughter of a 7 year old
  26. Shelter to stay out of the weather
  27. Razors to save my neck from that agonizing itch
  28. Family values, truth, honesty
  29. Past, present, and future defenders of our country
  30. Senses: The sound of the ocean, the glow of the moon, the smell of decaying leaves, the pant of a dog, the feel of fresh flannel sheets on a cold winter night.

There are so many more 'small things' that we overlook, and while we are told that we shouldn't sweat them, perhaps we shouldn't disregard them either. Feel free to add your own 'thankfuls' in the comments. I would love to see them!

Have a safe and wonderful holiday, everyone. 

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