Monday, July 13, 2015

My New Favorite Four-Letter Word

I have a little rant. Bear with me. While this is geared towards Christians, you do not have to be to follow along.

Growing up, I was raised Catholic. It was a great little church in a quaint town in NH, and I was a part of many pieces of the place. I was an altar server from basically the day after my First Communion, up until my family moved away when I was 20. I helped put on spaghetti dinners to raise money for non-profits. I made treats to be eaten at the weekly coffee hour in the basement. I was treated with respect and love. Unconditionally.

I then grew up. I had choices to make, but I never forgot the priest that I had spent so many years with. He was a gentle giant and one of the most amazing people I had ever known. He was as much an influence in my life as my parents were for me to grow up to be a good man who loved all, because that is how Christ told us to live.

Sounds like a pretty decent story so far. Well, here it comes:

Don't cast stones.

We have not been commanded to be judge and jury when it comes to sin. We are here to support people in their greatest time of need, and love them the best way we know how while working through our own sin through introspective reflection to make the world a better place one you at a time.

We all sin. We all fall short. I know I do, and probably every few minutes at that. We must end the belief, though, that any one person reading this blog (or not) is going to Heaven, or is leading a better life than another, because their 'sin' is better, or lesser. That is not what is going to get you, or those you are attempting to help, find life after death if that is your true intention. This is not where I want this blog to go to, my apologies for rambling. Let me get back to my topic.

Does it take a Christian to make the world a better place? Absolutely not. While I know that some would argue that, I have seen many non-Christians show love. Amazing love -- love that makes me strive to be a better person. To be less judgmental, and more understanding. We are all individuals, and all capable of good and bad.

I have found a new faith family within the Christian theology, and it has been a great decision for me. I'm proud to be a Christian, and will tell you that I do not have all of the answers (if you want my opinions, I am happy to have a respectful discussion). Again, I am blessed to be surrounded by many non-judgmental people who want to love people the way that they feel they are being loved from Heaven above, regardless of social status, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.

What is my basic message? Stop feeding the hate. Love people like no one is watching even though everyone will be. Love people because they are different. Love people because that is what we are called to do. Love one another for no better reason than to say you used my new favorite four-letter word today.

I know I will make it my goal to stop preaching about peace, and start acting with love.

Rook out.

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