Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Rookism, Round 1 - PULSE

For those of you who don't know, I'm a main character in a book series by the great Jeremy Robinson. I've known Jeremy the better part of 20 years, and through that time he and I have built a friendship few have. It's pretty awesome. But hey, I'm not here to talk about the mushy crap, let's get on to the good stuff.

Callsign: Rook, a novel by Jeremy Robinson and Edward G. Talbot

Some of you have had the opportunity to meet me. A few may even consider my personality 'larger than life' (yes, I have been told that to my face. I thanked them.). He was looking for a character, and I guess I fit the bill! I don't even think I knew about it before he started writing. As much as I like to play it up, I'm still in disbelief. Surreal even.

Well, Jeremy knows me pretty well from all the time we have spent together, and has been able to get me down to a science. I was lucky enough to work with him while he was writing the first novel that was released in the series, PULSE, and he would just turn around (we worked in the same room together) and say, "Hey, 'situation-x' is going on, what statement would you make?" I would respond with something completely off the cuff, and it would get put in the book. Sure, some of it got edited out or tweaked, but it was such an amazing process.

Since starting this blog, I have been considering a section of 'Rookisms', the one-liners stated by my character. Some of these may not be for everyone, so if you are offended by profanity you may want to just hit Back. Otherwise, read on, Suckas! And hey, thanks to fans Abby and Kelly for getting this list together of their favorites. Good peeps, you are. I'm glad we got to meet at RobinsonFest 2015!

Pulse, a novel by Jeremy Robinson

PULSE by Jeremy Robinson
  1. "Talk about maximum shrinkage-it's so cold out here I might have to change my name to Susan."
  2. "I have to do everything I s'pose. Bend over, ladies, here it comes."
  3. "You horny rabbit. I didn't know you wanted kids."
  4. "When he stops acting like a prick we'll be golden."
  5. "I'm not a big fan of needles or haystacks. Put them together and I'm bound to get pissed."
  6. "Ahh, save it for when your future wife sees your little pecker."
Want more context, or feel the need to read more Rookisms? Buy the book, the link is above. 

INSTINCT is next. Keep your eyes open for that within the next few weeks.


  1. Hahaha! What would be awesome is a Rook/Bruce Campbell team-up! :) Five minutes of action. An hour and forty-five minutes of awesome one-liners.

  2. HA! No I have to go re-read Pulse!
